The biggest corporate level sports event in Sri Lanka
Qualifiers: 9th, 10th November 2019
Grand Finals : 1st December 2019
The following gaming titles will be held in the qualifiers
Official Team Game Titles
Call of Duty 4
PC | 5 v 5
Counter Strike: GO
PC | 5 v 5
PC | 5 v 5
League of Legends
PC | 5 v 5
PUBG Mobile
Mobile | Squads (4 man)
Official Individual Game Titles
PlayStation 4
Mortal Kombat XL
Tekken 7
Clash Royale
Need for Speed: MW
Womens League Game Titles
Mario Kart 8
Nintendo Switch
Mortal Kombat XL
Need for Speed: MW
Statistics from the Mercantile Esports Championship 2018
Some frequently asked questions and the rules which govern the event
Who can take part in this?
All registered proprietorships, partnerships or companies in the mercantile sector across the country can take part in this tournament. All participants will be required to submit sufficient evidence to prove their employment status at the Registration Desk on the event day.
I am AN Employee, what documents do i need to bring?
The following documents need to be presented as proof of employment:
1. A Company ID card issued by the Company/Business
2. Letter from Company/Business, signed by an authorised person such as Managing Director/ Personnel Manager/ Head of HR with company seal.
Special Notes:
– All participants should have been employed for at least 1 (ONE) calendar month prior to the tournament date to be eligible to take part. If not, please contact the Gamer.LK Facebook page (https://fb.com/gamerlk) for clarifications.
Providing forged or amended documents is a breach of the Tournament Rules and will result in severe penalties including but not limited to the immediate disqualification of the player and his/her team from the tournament, bans from all future Gamer.LK tournaments and additional penalties depending on the severity of the offence.
I own a Company/Business, what documents do i need to bring?
The following documents need to be presented as proof of company/business ownership:
1. A copy of the Business Registration Certificate
2. A Letter on the Company/Business letterhead stating that the participant owns said business/company, signed by the participant along with the company seal
Special Notes:
– The company has to be registered for a minimum of 6 (SIX) months prior to the tournament date to be eligible to take part.
Providing forged or amended documents is a breach of the Tournament Rules and will result in severe penalties including but not limited to the immediate disqualification of the player and his/her team from the tournament, bans from all future Gamer.LK tournaments and additional penalties depending on the severity of the offence.
We have multiple teams and players that want to participate, what do we do?
Can employees from multiple branches of the same company combine to form a team?
I work as a freelancer/consultant at multiple companies. Can I take part?
You can only represent one company at the tournament. Any participant that wishes to take part, need to compulsorily provide the documents listed above from the company they wish to represent.
Special Notes:
– Representing multiple companies is considered a breach of the Tournament Rules. Any participant found to be in violation will receive severe penalties including but not limited to the immediate disqualification from the tournament and bans from all future Gamer.LK tournaments.
Can non-Sri Lankans take part in this event?
If you are not a Sri Lankan, to take part in this tournament you need to have resided in Sri Lanka for a minimum period of 6 months (on a Residence/Work Visa Permit and/or employed at a Sri Lankan organisation with valid documentation). You are required to bring sufficient proof of residence when you are attending the tournament and submit them to the Registration Desk.
All participants at the Mercantile Esports Championship 2019 are expected to adhere to the Tournament Rules. Any breach of a rule by a player or spectator will be penalized accordingly.
The top two companies at the qualifiers who are now the finalists at the Grand Finals
The results from the Qualifying phase of the Inter-School Esports Championship 2019
Call of Duty 4
1st Place: Orel IT – Team Azul
2nd Place: GSS – Bad Boys
3rd Place: Motion Miracles – Team Miracles
Dota 2
1st Place: Pattern Digital – Digital Chaos
2nd Place: GSS – Global System Solution
3rd Place: Aztech Enterprises – The Unpredictables
PUBG Mobile
1st Place: Butani Capital – Butani Capital
3rd Place: Pan Asia Banking Corporation – Team PABG
Need for Speed: MW
1st Place: Calcey Technologies – Mario “xtremer21” Mendis
2nd Place: Calcey Technologies – Ruveen “RAT” Thirimanne
3rd Place: Orel IT – Harshana “NOISY BOY” Samaranayake
Clash Royale
1st Place: RCM Medigain – Rajith “Rn’B” Weerasekara
2nd Place: Orel IT – Kavinda “Dr.volcano” Dilshan
3rd Place: HDPL – Nadeepa “Lord N” Edirisooriya
1st Place: Fresco Batiks – Fauzaan “SPONGIEZ” Firoz
2nd Place: HealthRecon Connect – Rashad “RaSSyCZaR” Ameer
3rd Place: HealthRecon Connect – Hirusha “xZ3KEx” Gimhan
Womens – Mario Kart
1st Place: CocoLuk – Yasara “WarQueen” De Silva
2nd Place: Wiley Global – Nadeeshani “FOXY” Jayasinghe
3rd Place: Apollo International School – Dhinelka “BitSy” Anthony
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
1st Place: Motion Miracles – Team Miracles
2nd Place: Butani Capital – Legion
3rd Place: Calcey Technologies – Final Resistance
League of Legends
1st Place: Orel IT – Skull Crushers
2nd Place: Pearson – PRSN Back To School
3rd Place: Surge Global – Surge
1st Place: HDPL – Akalanka “Akiiboyy” Perera
2nd Place: Seven Media – Shehan Hewawitharana
3rd Place: Food Studio LK – Ashan “Aquaman10” Somathilake
Mortal Kombat XL
1st Place: Reliance Insurance Brokers – Praveen “zombi3″ J
2nd Place: HealthRecon Connect – Rashad “RaSSyCZaR” Ameer
3rd Place: Bluewhale – Dhanuka “amanuensis” Samarakoon
Tekken 7
1st Place: The Bayleaf Colombo – Roshan “JURA” Jurampathy
2nd Place: Motion Miracles – DaddyLongLegs
3rd Place: Attune – Malindra “TechPenguin5” Perera
Womens – Need for Speed: MW
1st Place: WSO2 Lanka – Kaumini “KaWWa” Gunasinghe
2nd Place: CocoLuk – Yasara “WarQueen” De Silva
3rd Place: Susila Holdings – Angaline “Gracious” Natasha
Womens – Mortal Kombat XL
1st Place: WSO2 Lanka – Kaumini “KaWWa” Gunasinghe
2nd Place: Apollo International School – Dhinelka “BitSy” Anthony
3rd Place: LSEG Sri Lanka – Sujathani “sujindw” Warnakulasooriya
Where the event is held and how to get there
Stein Studios, Ratmalana
No 20, 2nd Cross Street,
Borupana Road,
NOTE: Special security measures are in place for the event and we kindly request all visitors to comply with any requests made by the security officers at the venue.
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Contact the Organizers directly for any queries.
Vikum Jayasekera
Ramesh Liyanage
Raveen Wijayatilake